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Weight Control: tires & wheels

Leveraging lighter weight components to gain fuel efficiency just
makes good sense.

Spec’ing for operational advantages: lightweight components

Tractor and trailer component manufacturers are finding ways to reduce weight without sacrificing strength and durability

Four companies solve one problem

During the recent Technology & Maintenance Council meeting, four fleet truck product suppliers made an announcement regarding their joint efforts to solve a problem that has plagued our industry for some time—namely, wheel-off incidents. Under the banner of “Wheel Torque Solutions,” Alcoa Wheels, B&D Cold Heading, Chicago Pneumatic and ITW CIP have created a new

Spec’ing for operational advantages

Making effective choices for tires and wheels, and the value of using onboard inflation systems

Every step: Tidewater Transit Co. Inc.

Suppliers, properly specified equipment and a company-wide commitment to safety help Tidewater Transit Co. offer excellent customer service

Good “connections” and “safe” landings

Weight savings, less maintenance, more convenience
drive development of fifth wheels and landing gear

PPG Commercial Coatings offers Corashield waterborne anti-chip coating

PPG Commercial Coatings has introduced Corashield, which it describes as an environmentally friendly coating formulated to provide resistance to chipping, cracking and marring of painted or unpainted surfaces from high-impact sand, gravel or other abrasive material.

PPG introduces DuraBull heavy-duty protective coating

PPG Commercial Coatings has introduced DuraBull heavy-duty protective coating, which the company said provides performance and durability protection for heavy-duty fleet vehicles through its advanced aliphatic polyurea coating technology.

Fuel Efficiency: Aluminum wheels, wide base singles

In the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s SmartWay Transport Partnership’s specifications for Class 8 combination vehicles, lighter-weight tractor and trailer components are recommended as potential fuel saving options.

Boosting Fuel Efficiency

By focusing on better ways to achieve fuel economy, SharpTransport lans to survive and thrive in the current economy