The devil is in the truck service data details

The devil is in the truck service data details

When it comes to making truck service calls–it’s easy to shoot from the hip. You can lean on your years of experience and equipment knowledge to make a call about a repair or determine why your repair costs might be climbing. And you might be right, but what if you’re wrong. Leveraging truck data can confirm your educated assumption or it might point you an entirely different direction. The trick is actually using it, which can be harder than how you actually use the truck diagnostic tools at your disposal.

The struggle is real. Truck service requires urgency, and it’s easy to feel like you don’t have time to look into service and fault code history, but it can be the difference between making or breaking your truck service bottom line. For how to overcome that nagging voice that you should roll with your gut instinct and push through to put data to work, watch the video above.

Fleet Equipment’s Data Center is sponsored by Noregon. Subscribe to our newsletter to catch every episode as we’ll be diving into use cases, talking with the data pros and making data usage approachable.

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