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Corn-based ethanol is swimming upstream

Corn-based ethanol production is currently about 10% of U.S. gasoline production, but overall sales volumes are down due to Americans driving more fuel efficient cars 9% less distance than they did in 2007. U.S. producers are exporting a lot of ethanol to keep their businesses profitable. Australia recently eliminated government ethanol production subsidies. Government subsidies

Fuels and lubes column
Legislative progress could lead to a national energy policy

Instead of being a curmudgeon this month, I’m going to be very positive—you can now call me “Bubbles” Martin. I’ve actually witnessed some legislative progress, which may lead us to a much-needed national energy policy. Congressmen from Missouri and Nebraska recently introduced three bills related to the use of natural gas in the trucking industry.

Legislative progress could lead to a national energy policy
Alternate energy source scorecard

The alternate energy world can be confusing. To help us all better get our minds around recent developments, I created a simplistic tabulation for first and second generation sources with which I am familiar. Algae Pros: It removes CO2 from atmosphere, no sulfur, less CO, CO2 and HC, 80% of energy of crude oil, 10

Fuels and lubes column
Alternative fuels (or is it fools?)

Let’s take a logical, non-biased look at current alternate fuel options by technical people, not politicians.

Alternate fuels update

As part of the fiscal cliff bill, federal subsidies for biodiesel, cellulosic ethanol and other forms of renewable energy were reinstated through “earmarks.”

Alternate fuels selection needs intelligent thinking

We need to quickly choose fuel alternatives that make financial sense for all in the U.S. so we can be cost-effective with future research expenditures.

Invest to improve your fleet’s fuel operation

You can question the EPA’s authority to set fuel economy standards without congressional approval, but the result is favorable for end users.

Selecting fuels for your fleet – now and in the future

I’m certainly glad I don’t manage a fleet. Selecting fleet fuels is a difficult job in the best of times, but how can you do it properly in the midst of all the recent discussions and turmoil? For some fleets, stockholders insist that your fleet is "green," yet your operation must show a profit. Environmental

Meeting CSA 2010 guidelines

The new CSA 2010 program identifies 10 different groups of parts and accessories that the government considers critical for safe operation. Among them are lamps; reflective devices; electrical wiring; brakes; glazing and window construction; fuel systems; coupling devices, including fifth wheels; miscellaneous equipment such as heaters; and frames, cab and body components. For any sidelined

Researching alternative fuels for fleets

We currently are witnessing interest in alternate fuels unlike anything ever seen. Scientists are conducting research on a plethora of alternate fuel feed stocks ranging from algae (one of my favorites) to soybean-based biodiesel. In a few years, we will have sufficient knowledge to logically select alternate fuels which will: • Minimize CO2 emissions •