You need to update your truck shop software

You need to update your truck shop software

Seriously, if you’re not sure if your shop software is updated, you should probably stop what you’re doing and check right now. If your truck shop scan tools and service software solutions don’t have the latest software build, update them now.

It’s important that your shop’s diagnostic and scan tools operate the latest version in order to repair all makes, models and components. As we talked about in a recent FE Data Center episode, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) is a prime example of an evolving technology that takes specialized tools and software to diagnose and troubleshoot when needed. 

The last thing you need is for a newer truck to roll into your shop and your diagnostic tools’ software isn’t updated, so you can’t service it. Most in-shop diagnostic and repair tools operate on a subscription basis to facilitate these updates throughout the year and so you don’t miss out on a major benefit. 

If you need even more convincing about why this is important, watch the video above to hear from Jason Hedman, Noregon’s JPRO product manager, for insight into why software updates are so important when it comes to truck service.

Fleet Equipment’s Data Center is sponsored by Noregon. Subscribe to our newsletter to catch every episode as we’ll be diving into use cases, talking with the data pros and making data usage approachable.

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