Truck Parts Suppliers and Component Services
Eaton launches software to manage networked EV charging stations

Within the online operator portal, site hosts can view and manage location and station information, driver access, payment processing and more.

Stemco announces new axle fastener

Stemco says the Auto-Torque axle fastener is designed to streamline wheel end installation.

How cabin air filters in trucks handle moisture and unwelcome odors

When changing a truck’s cabin air filters, it’s important to be particularly careful about those below the windshield.

Work Truck Solutions updates upfitter software

The upfitter software suite includes five on-demand reports offering insight into dealership and operational statistics.

work truck solutions supply chain support
Safe Fleet announces three new truck safety products 

Safe Fleet’s new products include MobileMule AI, Air Vue, and FoldPro Shelving.

Safe Fleet Mobile Mule AI FoldPro Shelving AirVue
Descartes announces top carriers in the first half of 2023 using Descartes MacroPoint

Carriers were evaluated based on having integrated Descartes MacroPoint with their transportation management system and having achieved a level of compliance and volume among the top 1% of the Descartes carrier network.

EpicVue creates new in-cab entertainment, education platform

EpicVue+ combines live and on-demand content with training, the company notes.

Yokohama Tire launches new work truck tire

The new Geolander A/T XD is available in 21 sizes with even more coming later in the year, according to the company.

Link adds all makes 1500 Series height control valves to product portfolio

The recent introduction of Link’s All Makes 1500 Series Height Control Valves are said to be a retrofittable option for almost all truck and trailer air suspension systems.

Spring cleaning the HVAC system

As the season changes so too does the HVAC system’s role. Make sure it’s ready for the heat.

Spring Cleaning the HVAC system
Carrier Transicold’s X4 7700 trailer refrigeration unit now available

The new TRU boasts a demonstrated fuel savings of 20% to 25% and reduced emissions for greater sustainability and regulatory compliance.

Phillips CEO: ‘The smart trailer revolution is here’

Rob Phillips discusses solar integration, supplier relationships, and evolving trailer technology.
